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Matters of aesthetic implantology are very delicate and require knowledge and precision through in-depth research of practice. It’s a matter of long-term success and the results of the patient’s smile. PRF helps create a smooth, natural look of the gingiva that would lead to a flawless restoration, especially in upper or lower front teeth.
Strengthen your knowledge with hands-on sessions in the training center led by the speaker.
Doctors will learn how to handle soft tissue around the implant to get a perfect emergence profile.
Will understand the composition of the soft tissue to reach the perfect tissue conditions which will lead to perfect prosthetics.
The osseodensification, what is it, how to do it.
Osseodensification benefits and when to use it.
Price: 1600 € including lunch
Course available in AR, EN
Duration: 2 days, September 24th-25th
Location: UAE, Dubai


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