1. Platform Switching

Platform switching helps to minimize bone loss that can reduce peak-stress and thereby preserve marginal bone
Helps to establish a certain biological width of the peri-implant mucosa

2. Smooth Shoulder

A smooth surfaced fixture shoulder helps ensure immediate insertion depth
Allows easy bone profiling at 1st, 2nd surgery



1. Platform Switching

Platform switching helps to minimize bone loss that can reduce peak-stress and thereby preserve marginal bone
Helps to establish a certain biological width of the peri-implant mucosa

2. Smooth Shoulder

A smooth surfaced fixture shoulder helps ensure immediate insertion depth
Allows easy bone profiling at 1st, 2nd surgery

3. Optimal Fit Thread

Synchronized optimal fit thread prevents cortex absorption by distribution of bone stress
Achieves higher initial stability by maximizing optimal sealing between the cortical bone and fixture

4. Hermetic Sealing

Hermetic sealing between fixture and abutment ensures even distribution of the load and minimizes the micro movement and marginal bone loss

5. Safe Cutting Edge

Reduces bone stress which allows for a smoother insertion

6. Self-tapping Groove

Self-tapping head increases drilling capability
Allows space for bone chip which increases fixation strength

7. Dome End

Reduces perforation

Tapered Design
Tapered load distribution establishes good primary stability
Less interference from adjacent teeth
Helps establish the correct angle when drilling

Optimum RBM surface

Allows for strong osseointegration

Double Thread Design

Reduces chair time


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